Colo. River cutthroat trout reintroduced in river system

As a result of the Dixie National Forest decision to approve the East Fork Boulder Creek Native Trout Restoration project, the range of the native Colorado River cutthroat trout in the Escalante River system will be expanded.

The decision authorizes the issuance of a pesticide-use permit to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources to treat the Dixie National Forest portions of approximately 8.5 miles of the Boulder Creek system.

The project will remove nonnative trout, which will allow for reintroduction of Colorado River cutthroat trout. The range of the Colorado River cutthroat trout has declined dramatically due to habitat loss and the introduction of other sport fish species.

Agency biologists and anglers have been working for many years to restore the Colorado River Cutthroat Trout to its historic range throughout the Colorado River basin.

The decision is the culmination of several years of study. The agency explored different alternatives to the proposed action of rotenone treatment.

The final analysis did not identify any significant public health or safety considerations that area residents could expect to experience from the proposed treatments. The agency did analyze the option of doing a non-chemical treatment; however, the non-chemical treatment had a greatly reduced probability of successfully allowing for native trout reintroduction in the project area.


there is another great story about restoring native cutts to montana on Ted Turners property and using those stocks as a genetically pure source for cutt restoration. it was in the last TU magazing. ill try to find it

This is good news!

New Mexico TU has been working hard on their Rio Grande CT repop programs very hard over the the years. I think we lucked out this year with all of our fires. I do not think it affected any of the active programs...